Prepping your Kickstarter for Success! (Lessons and Learnings from a $3.4M campaign)

In 2014, M3D raised $3.4M on Kickstarter. The entire year prior to launching was spent crafting not just a great product, but an equally great campaign. This is a step by step outline of that laid an excellent foundation for our launch in 2014.


How to Become an Industrial Designer (and Mechanical Engineer)

Maybe you're deciding what to study. Or maybe you're a mechanical engineer, stuck doing mundane FEA/DFM nonsense which wasn't what you signed up for. It's 2018. You can (and should) do both! With a background in design and engineering, you'll be equipped to build incredible things. This guide will help you get your footing. In addition to outlining all the necessary tools, you'll find a booklist that covers all the fundamentals.


From Birch to Board. Designing and Building a Longboard in 2 Days

I finally caved and picked up my own woodworking tools. Woodworking has always intimidated me, but I encourage you to go out and do the same. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Here’s an outline on how I built the one object that brings me the most utility and joy.


Surviving the Rocky Mountain Snowstorm of 2015

In April 2015, Mike and I embarked on a 5 day backcountry trip through the Rockies. We arrived to find a desolate park and were greeted with news of an unexpected snowstorm. Read along for our adventure.